Mt. Rasur

The Legend and The Dreams


by Robert Muller



The Prophecy of Rasur

The Bench Of Dreams

The Birth Of A Civilization Of Peace

New Genesis

A Simple And Beautiful Dream

Mt. Rasur, Costa Rica


This story is intended to tell the story of the Mt Rasaur prophacy for a better world for everyone.

Everyone that reads this is invited to do what they can to nurture these ideas and encourage others to make their contributions for communities that help each other toward a global civilization of peace

I have quoted Ronald Thomas whose words bring additional beauty to the Mt. Rasaur prophacy.

- Robert Muller March 24, 1999

Mt. Rasur, Costa Rica

"My sense of Peace is always enhanced when I'm standing on high ground, overlooking the majestic beauty of Mother-Earth. It is very satisfying to feel the wind in my face, and to imagine that others have stood in the same place enjoying the same feeling of wellbeing. Sometimes, I'm taken by the thought that people have been drawn to these places for thousands of years. While all of these places inspire wonder and tranquility, some stand out as Sacred. These Sacred places have a unique effect on a person's spirit that at times is difficult to convey in words. When the wind is allowed to speak, it opens the heart to the power of the universe. A life is then transformed and continues to change when it connects with just one of these Sacred Places like Mt. Rasur".

- Ronald Thomas

Sunrise looking east atop Mt. Rasur

The Prophecy of Rasur

One day, a long time ago, in the village of Quisar, all the children suddenly disappeared underground. The parents could not understand what was happening and became extremely worried. Faintly rising up from the earth below, they heard laughter and singing and knew that their children were safe. The children began to move and the parents followed their voices until they were stopped by a strong magnetic force at the base of Mt. Rasur. The Earth abruptly opened up and the children as well as a being of light, Rasur (the god of the indigenous children), appeared to the surprised parents. Rasur then spoke to the children, never once looking at the parents, and said,

"Dear children, the Great Spirit is in every animal, in every bird, butterfly, flower, insect, leaf and grass you see. The Great Spirit is also in you, the Creator's children. Please take care of the wonderful nature created by God and some day, from this mountain, you will see the birth of a civilization of peace spread to the entire world".

Bench of Dreams, Muller Peace Park, Costa Rica

The Bench Of Dreams

Mt. Rasur is a place where dreams have a way of simply being manifested into reality. The above "Bench of Dreams" is located at the base of Mt. Rasur where visitors are asked to place a pebble or stone in each hand, press the two hands together, and, with eyes closed, to dream. When opening the eyes, one stone is thrown onto the Earth, so that the sacred Earth will remember the dream, and the other stone is taken home as a reminder of the dream. Next to the above "Bench of Dreams" is the small indigenous farmhouse where Robert Muller wrote his "2000 Dreams and Ideas for the Year 2000". At present, and prior to the year 2000, over one-hundred of his dreams have been fulfilled! The two dreams below, dreamt by Robert, are also on the verge of coming true.

"I dream that the wonderful land of legendary Mount Rasur above the University for Peace will become some day an inspiring sacred place for the entire world" (Idea 447: Robert Muller).

"I dream that the University for Peace will become the new Athens, the new Acropolis of the world, the birthplace of a planetary philosophy and vision, a school for heads of states and global leaders in all main fields of human endeavors and of all entities making up the human family" (Idea 446 from my book 2000 Ideas and Dreams For A Better World).

Dear Reader, feel free to create a "Bench of Dreams" in your Community.

Mt. Rasur

The Birth Of A Civilization Of Peace

During the 1940's, Jose Figueres would sit with his commanding officers under a large mango tree near the base of Mt. Rasur discussing strategies to overthrow Costa Rica's last ruling dictator. Figueres' army, consisting of friends that he trained in the woods, miraculously defeated the dictator. Victorious, Jose dissolved his army and, to the surprize of all, sent the defeated soldiers home to live in peace. Everybody was happy! Jose then remembered that his beloved H. G. Wells died filled with despair for no nation had listened to his passionate words and demilitarized. Within months, Jose Figueres was elected President and immediately demilitarized Costa Rica in memory of H. G. Wells. Costa Rica has remained demilitarized since 1949.

A few years later, Mr. Cruz Roja Bennett, an extremely wealthy Costa Rican cattle rancher, became sickened when he realized that he had destroyed thousands of acres of rain forest by creating grazing pastures. His Mother convinced him that it was his duty to preserve their remaining acres of rain forest. Mr. Bennett had an idea and approached Rodrigo Carazo, an intelligent young visionary, with this offer: "I want you to become President of Costa Rica. When you are President, I will donate all the land you need to build a University for Peace". Rodrigo Carazo became President and remembered Mr. Cruz Bennett's promise. But Rodrigo had nothing in writing and, to make matters worse, Mr. Bennett was no longer living. Still, Rodrigo went to Mr. Bennett's house and was greeted by a family member who knew of the promise. A map and pencil where then handed to Rodrigo whereby he traced-out the area for the University for Peace.

Many years later, Mr. Robert Muller, while in his office listening to United Nation General Assembly speeches, unexpectedly heard the President of a demilitarized country offer a vast piece of tropical land on which the United Nations should build a University for Peace. Mr. Muller dropped everything and ran down to the General Assembly to embrace the man who presented the offer: Mr. Rodrigo Carazo, the President of Costa Rica. Robert said to Mr. Carazo, "You are fulfilling the dream of U Thant, a schoolmaster and the preceding Secretary General of the UN, who often said that there will never be peace on this Earth until there exists a new education. His dream was to create a UN University for Peace". Mr. Robert Muller was instantly put in charge of creating the first UN University for Peace.

A short time later, Mr. Muller was visited by Ryoichi Sasakawa, a former Japanese armaments manufacturer previously imprisoned by General MacArthur as a war criminal. Sasakawa believed the he was merely a product of the education received from his country and passionately desired the birth of a new education for all children. After spending only fifteen minutes with Robert Muller, Sasakawa wrote Robert a check for one million dollars to complete the building of the University for Peace. Today, one can read on the Peace Monument at the University these words by Mr. Sasakawa: "Happy the Costa Rican mother, who when she gives birth to a son, knows that he will never be a soldier".

A few days before Robert Muller's retirement in 1986, after 40 years of service, he was offered the position of Chancellor at the University for Peace. He accepted the position with its one-dollar a year salary and moved from the UN's House of Glass to the University for Peace adjacent Mt. Rasur. For five years he commuted from town to the University and, during many a lunch, would stroll up the hill to a small farmhouse surrounded by pastures and beautiful tropical forests. At one point, a "For Sale" sign became attached to the house and property. Sometimes he thought of purchasing the property but felt that he was either too old or the house too run down (or the reverse) for him to take the idea seriously. Then one day, he came across an old journal entry with these words, "I dream that someday, as a sort of elder of the United Nations, I will live on a hill with a breathtaking view and spend my last days writing my visions of a better world and the magical stories of my life". He considered this to be an unmistakable message from above and on that same day purchased the entire property with cash. Later that year on the opening day of the UN General Assembly, a ceremony took place at the University for Peace designating Robert Muller's property as an official Peace Park.

New Genesis

"And God saw all nations of the earth, black and white, poor and rich, from North and South, from East and West, and of all creeds were sending their emissaries to a small tropical University in demilitarized Costa Rica, to study together, to think together and to care together for the world and all its people. And God said: That is good. And it was the first day of Earth's New Age.

And God saw that soldiers of peace were separating the combatants of quarreling nations, that differences were being resolved by negotiation and reason instead of arms, and that the leaders of nations were seeing each other, talking to each other and joining their hearts, minds, souls and strength for the benefit of all humanity. And God said: That is good. And it was the second day of the Planet of Peace.

And God saw that humans were loving the entire creation, the stars and the sun, the day and the night, the air and the oceans, the earth and the waters, the fishes and the fowl, the flowers and herbs, and all their human brethren and sisters. And God said: That is good. And it was the third day of the Planet of Happiness.

And God saw that humans were suppressing hunger, disease, ignorance and suffering all over the globe, providing each human person with a decent, conscious and happy life, and reducing the greed, the power and the wealth of the few. And He said: That is good. And it was the fourth day of the Justice.

And God saw that humans were living in harmony with their planet and in peace with one another, wisely managing their resources, avoiding waste, curbing excess, replacing hatred with love, greed with contentment, arrogance with humility, division with cooperation and mistrust with understanding. And He said: That is good. And it was the fifth day of the Golden Planet.

And God saw that men were destroying their arms, bombs, missiles, warships and warplanes, dismantling their bases and disbanding their armies, keeping only policemen of peace to protect the good from the bad and the normal from the mad. And God said: That is good. And it was the sixth day of the Planet of Reason.

And God saw humans restore God and the human person as the alpha and omega, reducing institutions, beliefs, politics, governments and all man-made entities to mere servants of God and the people. And he saw them adopt as their supreme law:

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.

And God said: That is good. And it was the seventh day of the Planet of God."

This is a excerpt from my book New Genesis.

The sign of peace, Mt. Rasur

A Simple And Beautiful Dream

"The air is filled with the sounds of joy and happiness. Children are playing and singing. There is no impending danger or hidden fear. People are drumming while adults sing the ancient indigenous songs of the world. Oral tradition is passed on. All is well in the village with an aura of celebration and community. Adults contently watch over the children. These children have never experienced a hand raised in anger or the demeaning sound of angry shouting. Neither hate nor greed or abuse of any kind is present. Elders keep busy with handicrafts and talk to each other as they work, occasionally speaking to the children. There is a deep connection to each other and to nature through love and respect. People are completely satisfied with a sense of purpose."

- Ronald Thomas

Additional photos from Mt. Rasur